Blog entry by Jeff VanderWal

Anyone in the world

Horizons Youth Course Training

Last May 14-15, 2021 the BWA Horizons’ Mentor Ding Gatluak from South Sudan, resident temporarily in Kenya, organized a programme for Young Leaders in Nairobi Kenya where he promoted the BWA Horizons. “These are Nuer Christian Youth for Peace and Development of South Sudan in Nairobi Kenya; they are of different denominations and their totals for the last two days are between 130-150”, wrote Gatluak. I have shared with their leaders the Problems Youth Face and they invited me to share with them the problems Young People do face. They were choked that their organization is not aware of youth problems and do not know how to help youth to overcome their problems.

This was a great opportunity for Mentor Ding to expose the BWA Horizons Training Initiative to the attendance. More of the kind are to come soon, promised Ding to his Mentor Koffi.