Blog entry by Jeff VanderWal

by Jeff VanderWal - Thursday, 3 March 2022, 11:22 AM
Anyone in the world

Horizons Youth Course Training – Nigeria

It was really a great privilege to have been part of this rich, educative and edifying program. Horizons gave me the best opportunity to get to know the various approaches to youth ministry in a world of openness where everything is not wrong, and Horizons program is a necessary point of contact. My journey through the entire Units and modules gave me every reason to appreciate what Horizons is doing in building a strong and edifying church for Christ. The journey through the mentorship of both Elias and Koffi was encouraging, and I thank you both. I recommend everyone in the youth ministry to take advantage of the Horizons training for effective youth ministry in the postmodern world.
Rev Barnabas Gabriel Akadon

Horizons Youth Course Training – Namibia

My brother Elias, The AABYF Executives, thank you for your daily encouragements towards my leadership, it’s really helpful, and God blesses you. My mentor and advisor Koffi Kpomgbe, you are an inspiration, an asset of AABYF. Thank you a lot my brother.  Units of Horizons are wealthy to attend; they informed me how I should be as a leader. I couldn’t know some aspects, but through modules of horizons, I learned a lot.  My encouragements to all youth of AABYF and BWA let us seek benefit within this course. Let us all register and be part of this noble program.
God bless AABYF
God bless BWA
God bless Horizon leadership

Jonas Kakenge Mbwenga




[ Modified: Thursday, 3 March 2022, 11:23 AM ]